As Covid-19 took hold, I decided I wanted to continue to deliver my yoga, launching myself as Seedsofsamyoga online on 1st April 2020. It was a scary feeling pressing that key to post my intentions onto my new Facebook page which I had only set up the day before. As I sat with my finger hoovering over the button to post, butterflies emerged and I nearly didn’t press it. Once pressed, the reality of having to teach a class the next morning at 7am hit me with 4 people booked in within an hour of posting at 9pm on that Tuesday evening.
However, the trickiest decision was what to charge, as with all the difficult situations and stories emerging of job loses and lack of financial support being experienced by many, my heart was telling me to not charge. Yet, having discussed with various close friends who said I shouldn’t not charge, I should make it more affordable perhaps, I decided I had to just deliver it for FREE! Although with the lovely suggestion from one, and to pacify these beautiful and caring friends of mine, I added the option to make a donation towards participation as an option, as I too was not working and any contributions would be most gratefully received in such unsettling times. And as they say, the rest is history and I haven’t looked back! My first promo picture for Seedsofsamyoga.